Analytics & Marketing Tech In a HIPAA-Compliant Environment

Web analytics platforms collect a vast range of user data to provide insights into user behavior on your website or app. Web URLs and IP addresses, for instance, contain valuable information about an individual’s online activities, including their browsing history and potentially sensitive healthcare searches that may link individuals with past, current or future health conditions, now considered protected health information.

SERVER SIDE GOOGLE TAG MANAGEMENT – We are strongly proponents of a server-side tag management setup to provide you with greater control over your healthcare data streams that originate from your website, while also allowing you to safely navigate the third-party cookie-free era that we are now entering.

Most importantly, server side tag management can help you balance data anonymization (which inevitably leads to data being made less usable for marketing purposes) with usefulness of data.


Specific solutions we provide include:

  • First-Party Data Collection & Data Control – Data collected by your server side setup allows for “first-party” data collection, making it more secure and efficient.
  • Data Transformations & Enrichments – A server side setup allows for encryption of personally identifiable information (PII) and health information – together they make up protected health information (PHI). Complete encryption or redacting of this data may be a solution but likely to make your analytics and marketing campaigns unattributable and useless. Our solution creates intelligent transformations and enrichment of web data to remove any PHI from reaching third-party vendors while keeping marketing attributions intact for campaigns to produce results.
  • Custom Activations – Once web data events are cleansed through transformations and enrichment, we then activate this data to reach third-party analytics and marketing platforms this violation.

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    Our Perspectives

    Server Side Tag Management & HIPAA Compliance

    A new directive by the Office of Civil Rights (OC) puts direct onus on a covered entity under HIPAA to take measures to protect PHI from getting shared with third-party analytics and marketing platforms by way of on-line tracking codes commonly added to healthcare websites.

    How to Make GA4 Web Analytics HIPAA Compliant

    In today’s digital landscape, privacy and data protection are of utmost importance. Covered entities under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) need to ensure that they are taking the necessary steps to protect electronic protected health information (ePHI) while still gaining valuable insights from analytics. 

    Is Your Healthcare Marketing HIPAA Compliant – What to Know in 2024?

    As medical practice owners, you understand the significance of protecting patient data and maintaining legal compliance while providing top-notch care. In this digital era, where information flows seamlessly across platforms, ensuring HIPAA compliance is paramount. 

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