Infographics for Investor Marketing

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[mk_padding_divider size=”75″][vc_headings style=”theme2″ borderwidth=”1px” borderclr=”#000000″ title=”Investor Marketing Infographics for Third Wave AI Assistant” lineheight=”2″ titleclr=”#000000″]Aigo.ai was ready to launch the real AI revolution: A world community of intelligence users, creators, traders and owners connected through Aigo platform. Webtage was in charge of creating the Aigo.ai brand and developing marketing collaterals for the upcoming ICO (Initial Coin Offering). Investor leave behind and ‘white paper’ investor marketing deck highlighted consumer insights critical to telling the Aigo brand story and the points of differentiation in a compelling way. Aigo.ai white paper cover image, infographics and visuals brought the Aigo brand to life in the ICO marketing collaterals.[/vc_headings][mk_padding_divider size=”75″]
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Client: Aigo.ai

Industry: B2B/Technology

[mk_padding_divider][vc_creativelink style=”cl-effect-13″ size=”14px” text=”Launch Project” url=”https://www.aigo.ai/” clr=”#000000″ hoverclr=”#f1592a”]

Horizontal Capabilities:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning / Deep Learning
  • Human Cognitive Architecture
[mk_padding_divider size=”75″][interective_banner effects=”effect-sarah” clr=”#ffffff” title=”Infograhics” desc=”Third Wave AI Assistant Investor Marketing” image_id=”10439″]
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