Tech Startup Marketing Strategy

Webtage conducted market and industry research for Ŏnnitt, Inc. - a technology startup, including competitive landscape analysis, untapped opportunities, value proposition strategy, revenue generation plan, preparation of investor marketing materials, including presentations and 'leave behinds.'

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About Project:

Ŏnnitt  Inc., a technology startup with an ambitious product set to revolutionize local services marketplace, approached Webtage to help launch the business. Webtage created a launch strategy that included establishing a business model, defining unique value propositions, conducting market research to define total addressable market and opportunities, creating a revenue generation plan, and marketing the business to investors.

We led a successful launch of Ŏnnitt.

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Ŏnnitt Inc.

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Webtage conducted market and industry research, including competitive landscape analysis, untapped opportunities, value proposition strategy, revenue generation plan, preparation of investor marketing materials, including presentations and ‘leave behinds.’

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  • Launch Strategy, Market Research
  • Usability Studies, Business Model Creation
  • Investor Marketing
[mk_image_slideshow title=”Ŏnnitt, Inc. Business Launch & Investment Strategy” images=”7997,8001,8009″ image_height=”550″]

About Project:

Ŏnnitt  Inc., a technology startup with an ambitious product set to revolutionize local services marketplace, approached Webtage to help launch the business. Webtage created a launch strategy that included establishing a business model, defining unique value propositions, conducting market research to define total addressable market and opportunities, creating a revenue generation plan, and marketing the business to investors.

We led a successful launch of Ŏnnitt.

[mk_divider style=”padding_space” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”][mk_custom_list style=”f14c” icon_color=”#27b700″ align=”left”]


Ŏnnitt Inc.

[mk_divider style=”thin_solid” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”0″ width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”]


Webtage conducted market and industry research, including competitive landscape analysis, untapped opportunities, value proposition strategy, revenue generation plan, preparation of investor marketing materials, including presentations and ‘leave behinds.’

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  • Launch Strategy, Market Research
  • Usability Studies, Business Model Creation
  • Investor Marketing

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