Smart Cities Business Collaterals for Optimized Solutions

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[mk_padding_divider size=”75″][vc_headings style=”theme2″ borderwidth=”” borderclr=”#000000″ title=”Smart Cities Business Collaterals for Optimized Solutions” lineheight=”2″ titleclr=”#000000″]Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) have breathed a new life into the development of urban centers around the world into sustainable areas with a high quality of life. By using data generated through edge devices to create actionable insights, cities are forging into the future as a safe, stable, and efficient ecosystems. Optimized Solutions approached Webtage to help position itself as a provider of digital transformation solutions for smart cities.


Tasks: Webtage designed and developed a pre-sale positioning brochure and Powerpoint presentation for Optimized with the following focus areas:

Framing the Conversation – Through impactful visuals, comparative data, and effective copy, we framed the conversation in the context of India’s ever-accelerating urbanization and the opportunity for cities to stay ahead of the curve.

Client Positioning – Smart design to frame Optimized Solutions as a single window partner for concept to roll out to management of smart city solutions.

Solution Pitch – Infographic layout of the solution architecture that Connects, Monitors, Analyzes & Predict Data, and allows cities to become cognitive.

Opportunities – We helped inform strategy by presenting smart solutions that are likely to be in demand by smart cities in India and around the world.[/vc_headings][mk_padding_divider size=”75″]

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Client: Optimized Solutions

Industry: B2B/Enterprise Technology

[mk_padding_divider][vc_creativelink style=”cl-effect-13″ size=”14px” text=”Launch Project” url=”https://blog.optimizedsol.com/blog” clr=”#000000″ hoverclr=”#f1592a”]

Horizontal Capabilities:

  • Core Research
  • Strategy Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Positioning & Copywriting
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe InDesign
  • Powerpoint Template Design
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